Causes of psoriasis

Psoriasis, the causes of the emergence of the which studied enough, until the moment remains a mystery to scientists all over the world. The disease can develop suddenly, regardless of the age and sex of the patient.


Lately the initial development of psoriasis in children and women, without any kind of causes. On rare occasions, the disease can pass through itself, but, as a general rule, for the achievement of durable remission requires a specific treatment, and the desire for treatment by the patient.

The theory of the appearance of psoriasis

Among professionals and scientists that there are several theories of the development of the disease:

HEREDITARY. Genetics of the route of transmission of the disease is CONSIDERED as the MOST COMMON, as well as the monitoring of the physicians in each second of every three observed the presence of psoriasis in the story. The adhesion of the factors that cause the early symptoms of the disease appear inevitably. As a general rule, when inheritance is observed, the relationship with the sex of the children (the disease most often develops between persons of the same kin).

IMMUNE. Immune theory of the evolution of the disease is considered to be the founders of the mainstream. Immune components are present in almost every time that the inflammation of the nature, which in some cases makes the symptoms of the disease.

However, despite a sufficient number of studies immune theory of psoriasis, the triggers of its onset (pitchers mechanisms) up to the end not clarified. Therefore preventive measures on the development of the disease include, in the first place, strengthen the immune system (especially in women, older patients and children), and the protection of the skin (including the head) of diseases infectious. Is immune theory is more serious complications: psoriatic arthritis (explains the causes of psoriasis on the elbows, knees, and hands), and in some cases — the defeat of the spinal column.

NEUROGENIC. According to the theory of the psihosomatiki, the disease may be caused by malfunction of the nervous system, as a result of strong tensions. In other words, the patient's mental state is directly reflected in the condition of the patient and, in consequence, can occur psoriatic manifestations on the hands, head, legs, etc., in Addition, a factor that confirms the development of the disease in the background of the psihosomatiki, is the positive impact of the sedation, which again points to a spiritual causes of psoriasis.

Of the EXCHANGE. The studies do not exclude the development of the disease in connection with the performance of the processes of change. As a general rule, most of patients is observed hypothermia, which indicates a deceleration of the processes of change. In addition, in violation of the lipids indicates a high level of cholesterol in the blood, and the weakening of immunity is confirmed by the decrease in vitamins (A, b), as well as copper, iron and zinc, the 2/3 of all cases.

In each case 4 shows the diabetes mellitus, it points to the violation of carbohydrate metabolism, and metabolic nature, the development of the disease the violation is confirmed working of the thyroid, pancreas and sexual glands, in spite of the treatment.

ALLERGIC. The supporters of this theory believe that psoriatic manifestations occur as a result of the allergy. Proof of this is that, by the fact that this disease, as well as the allergy is not contagious, and it manifests very spicy, eruptions on the skin of the land cover. That is why when the psoriasis is very often assigned to the antihistamines. In addition, there is a similar symptomatology to allergic and psoriatic arthritis.

HORMONAL. This hypothesis is related to hormonal problems of fund that take place in the body (menopause, sexual maturation, pregnancy, etc). However, this line has not become popular, as well as the majority of the patients of psoriasis is developed when hormonal "keep the peace".

INFECTIOUS. This theory of disease is one of the most common. The reasons for the manifestation of psoriatic symptoms linked with different pathogens (spirochetes, streptococci, etc). However, neither microorganisms, nor on the fungi of the realization of experiences have not been expressed, such as leadership. Some scientists believe that the development of the acute infectious diseases is able to influence the course of the dermatosis as a result of the weakening of the defenses of the immune system (reversible and irreversible). However, despite numerous studies, a theory has not found confirmation.

VIRAL. The viral nature of the disease has a large number of followers. However, on the basis of surveys viral theory is confirmed as the main, since at no time it has not been observed transmission of the disease from the patient to the healthy person, despite the fact that we have carried out hundreds of direct transfusion of blood from sick patients.

Triggers of the disease

As a result of numerous studies of the causes of psoriasis, doctors have discovered that there are more triggers of the conditions of the emergence of the disease. Causes of psoriatic manifestations can be internal and external factors.

The most frequent causes that trigger the disease:

  • the aggravation of the disease can cause acute and chronic infectious processes in the body (acute respiratory infections, sinus infections, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, angina and others), as well as the state after vaccination. As a general rule, these diseases weaken the immune system, which leads to the relapse of the disease;
  • 40% of the patients the development of complications lead to psychological and stressful situations (different types of depressions, personal crises). Therefore, for the acute reduction of symptoms so often are assigned sedatives;
  • trigger psoriasis can long-term treatment with medication medicines, especially antibiotics and immunomodulators. These drugs can cause alterations in the functioning of the immune system, in response to a stimulus;
  • generalizovannaya-psoriaticheskaya-eritrodermiya
  • an important role for the development or exacerbation of the disease play the bad habits (tobacco, alcohol), as well as the poor diet of the sick with the abuse of fats and carbohydrates fast;
  • the symptoms of psoriasis can be caused by exposure to a chemical for outdoor applications (especially in the hands), which are often used in the home, including the means of parasites;
  • the worsening of the disease is possible in violation of the integrity of the skin as a result of the mechanical action (injuries, burns, punctures, bites, etc);
  • the relapse of psoriasis can cause inflammation of the skin, including the head injury, the development of the dermatitis of the hands, etc., in Addition, the cause of psoriasis may be acute in the development of an allergic reaction.
  • As a general rule, the disease worsens as a consequence of the factors that cause (one or in the complex), therefore, you must follow certain rules to avoid the occurrence of dangerous situations.

Main symptoms of psoriasis can appear at any age, but its development in children are more severe consequences and complications. In adulthood, the psoriasis is dangerous, with serious comorbidities.

Causes of psoriasis in childhood

On the basis of the results of the study of the disease in the closest relatives in several generations, in the conduct of research biochemistry in patients with the ties of kinship, including the healthy, clear, that in the development of psoriasis in children PLAYS a fundamental ROLE in the HEREDITARY FACTOR in the predisposition to the disease.

If one of the parents is sick of psoriasis, the probability of birth of children with psoriasis is 25%. If you are sick, the two parents, the risk of having children with psoriasis is about 75%. It is interesting the fact that the most frequent of which is psoriasis is transmitted by the maternal line. Hereditary psoriasis (family member) of the observation of scientists is 15 to 47% of cases of all diseases of the psoriasis in children. However, despite the deepening of the studies of the genetic theory of disease, its root causes in the child and adult patient up to the end not clarified.

Preschoolers and school-age children the causes of psoriasis can be a strong stress, the tension, the nervousness, etc., of a Given pattern, thanks to which we could identify a cause of the disease of psoriasis in adolescents and children, does not exist.

Many scientists and physicians lean towards a multifactorial theory of the evolution of the disease, which combines, in addition to the inheritance of a number of other factors.

The symptoms of the disease

When psoriasis occurs atypical of a reaction to any stimulus. For psoriasis characterized by the appearance of pastes, plates of different sizes. In the standard skin cells mature over the course of 3 weeks, but when the psoriasis is dry after 5 days, which leads to a strong itch, especially in the head or palms of the hands. To relieve the acute symptoms is assigned a suitable treatment.

The most characteristic of the symptoms of psoriasis are:

  • the appearance of pink-red psoriatic platelets with white dry chunks. As a general rule, the more often localized in the area of the knees, elbows, hands and head (leather part);
  • when psoriasis of the nails held the dystrophy of the plate of the nail in the hands, the violation of the shapes and the color of the nails. Severe, it is possible the development of calcifications of the changes;
  • the itching and dandruff in the head (under the mantle of hair);
  • cracking of the skin followed by pus from the affected psoriasis of the parts of the body;
  • sometimes, it is possible the application of hyperthermia and the deterioration of the general situation of the patient.

It is important to note that the symptoms are worse at certain times of the year. There are 3 types of psoriasis, depending on the time of year (winter, summer and permanent). Patients with the summer type of psoriasis are celebrating the sudden worsening that requires a treatment more prolonged. Winter type is characteristic that the symptoms of psoriasis show up soon, and was assigned to the most effective therapy. When undefined type of psoriatic symptoms can occur at any time of the year and is characterized by frequent relapses.

The therapeutic treatment of the disease

Despite the fact that the causes of psoriasis to the end have not been explored, today there are more effective methods which contribute to the achievement of durable remission:

  • it is recommended that cryotherapy (the effect of low temperatures), which helps to the most abandoned of cases;
  • internal symptoms are released by plasmapheresis (filtering of the blood of the patient);
  • the neutralization of the symptoms of the active disease is done by the treatment with puva and special iodine-brochure booklet, bromine, radon, and sulfide baths.

In addition, the positive effect was observed in the treatment of salts and mud from the Dead sea, which neutralize the symptoms of psoriasis, even in the head.

The prevention of psoriasis

For the prevention of the onset of the disease, it is necessary to carry out the activities of prevention, which include:

  • Warning traumatic of the epidermis on the hands, the head, the face, etc
  • It should not remain a long time under the direct sunlight.
  • You should get rid of the bad habits.
  • It is necessary to control the mass of the body, especially after the acute symptoms.
  • You should avoid stressful situations.
  • When the psoriasis on the head, it is recommended to use special healing creams and shampoos.
  • In all cases it is necessary to regular observation of your dermatologist.

Psoriasis is a multifactorial disease and the causes are different, so that a positive outcome can be achieved if the treatment begins in a timely manner with strict compliance of all the recommendations of the dermatologist. This approach can ensure long-term remission and prevention of possible complications.